AudioVisual Media Sideprojects and Shenenigans
Dr Suzuki and the Documenting of Japanese Mobilty
7 November 2020
Virtual Workshop Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Nov 2020
Tailem Bend
11 September 2020
Music: Deadly Roulette and For the Fallen both by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) - License
Participant in the 2021 International Audiovisual Contest ›321 Challenge‹
Excerpt of A White Australia Industry
7 September 2020
Music: ›Die Eroks‹ by Cayzland (substituting here the text of the talk)
... showing cane sugar being brought to Australia aboard the First Fleet in 1788 and its cultivation spreading towards the northern shores of the continent throught the latter nineteenth century.